Cutting Edge Philanthropy
Bringing Community to the Table
A public forum of philanthropic and other community leaders from WNC was convened May 24, 2019 to accomplish two goals. First, this Forum was designed to facilitate discussion among community leaders about what they hope to see result from the future work of the new conversion health foundation, Dogwood Health Trust. Second, was to share with this community examples of transformational philanthropy with an opportunity to distill critical lessons that might guide WNC’s philanthropic organizations, both new and old.
“The dollars will help weave communities back together, but it’s the people who ultimately need to do it.”
- Kelly Ryan, President/CEO, Incourage of Wisconsin Rapids
This Forum was sponsored and convened by the WNC Health Equity Coalition (HEC) with the partnership and support of SEARCH (Sustaining Essential and Rural Community Healthcare) and OLLI at UNC Asheville. HEC’s member organizations collaborate with partners across WNC to ensure vital health services to all its communities, rural and urban. HEC encourages the improvement of health equity by addressing the social determinants of health through use of transformative philanthropic investments.
“How do you put community in the driver’s seat? Change the way philanthropy is done in this country… flip it on its head and bend the power dynamic.”
- Brenda Solorzano, CEO, Headwaters Foundation of Western Montana
Thank you to all who participated in the planning and success of this event. In the words of Alan McGregor and on behalf of HEC, we invite all to “take ownership of our future” by working together to “make hope and history rhyme.”